After This Module/Project is over, the trainee should be able to understand / implemtnt the following:-
understand / implemtnt the following:-
Understand the prosess management including process creation, duplication, replacement
Understand the concept of signals and install signal handlrs
work with advanced signal handling mechanism
be well versed with ipc techniques like, pipes, fifo, message queues, shared memory
implement synchronization techniques for access to shared resources using semaphores
understand the concept of threads and implement multithreaded programs efficiently
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After This Module/Project is over, the trainee should be able to understand / implemtnt the following:-
understand / implemtnt the following:-
The Linux networking stack
Linux based Sockets efficiently
Implement elementary sockets
TCP sockets, UDP sockets, SCTP sockets
Implement TCP client / server model
IO multiplexinu. select and poll
Understand socket options like getsockapt, setsockapt, socket states, generis socket options, IPv4 sockets, ICMPv6 sockets, IPv6 sockets, fcntl
Implementing SMTP client / server model
name and address conversions
IPv4 and IPv6 inter-operability
IPv4 client - IPv6 server
IPv6 client - IPv4 server
IPv6 address testing macros
source code portability
Deamon Processes and inetd Superserver
Advanced IO functions and Non-blocking IO and ioctl operations
Routing Sockets, key management sockets
Broadcasting and Multicasting using Sockets
After This Module/Project is over, the trainee should be able to understand / implemtnt the following:-
Configuring Remote Login Services: Telnet and SSH
RFC 854, ICMP RFC 792, Security, Configuring TELNET on Linux based systems, Telnet 5250, Telnet data, Related RFCs, Telnet Clients.
SSH: Installing Public keys manually and automatically, Using the ssh agent program, X11 Session Forwarding, TCP Port Forwarding, SOCKS5 proxying, Running Commands Over SSH, Using SCP, using SSH Sessions.
Configuring FTP and TFTP Servers
FTP: Communication and data transfer, Login Anonymous FTP, NAT and firewall traversal, Differences from HTTP, Web browser support, Security-Secure FTP, FTPS, SFTP, FTP over SSH (not SFTP), FTP reply codes.
TFTP: Introduction to protocol, TFTP Clients and Servers, RFC 1350,
Configuring DHCP Server
DHCP discovery, DHCP offer, DHCP request, DHCP acknowledgement, DHCP information, DHCP releasing, Client configuration parameters, DHCP options, Vendor identification, DHCP relaying, Reliability, Security.
Configuring NFS
Versions and variations, NFSv2, NFSv3, NFSv4, Other extensions, Platforms, Typical implementation, Protocol development. Configuring the Server, Configuring the Client, Locking, Automating Mounts.