Innovation... driven by intelligence and logic

About IoT

What is IoT?

Internet of Things (IoT) is an infrastructure of connected physical devices and people that are connected using the internet. The ‘thing’ in IoT could be a person with a health monitor or a device with built-in-sensors, i.e. devices that have been allocated an IP address and have the ability to recieve and send data over a network without human intervention. The embedded technology in the electromechanical devices helps to interact with device internal or the external environment, which in turn affects the decisions making.

Why IoT?

If we had electromechanical devices that knew all there was to know about every-thing - using information they gathered without any human intervention - we would be able to manage and count everything, and greatly reduce waste, loss and cost. We would know when things needed renovation, replacing, repairing. We need to equip and incorporate intelligence in computers with their own means of gathering information, so they can see, hear and smell the world for themselves, make decisions themselves.” This is precisely what IoT platforms does for us. It enables devices/objects to observe, identify and understand a situation or the surroundings without being dependent on human help.

What is the scope of IoT?

Internet of Things can connect equipments and devices embedded in various systems to the internet. When devices/objects can represent themselves digitally, they can be controlled remotely. The connectivity then helps us capture more data from various places, ensuring more ways of increasing efficiency and improving safety and IoT security.
IoT is an infrastructure that can help companies and organizations improve performance through IoT based research and analytics and IoT Security to deliver better results. Businesses in the services, utilities, oil & gas, renueable and non-renueable resources, insurance, manufacturing, transportation, infrastructure and retail sectors can reap the benefits of IoT by making smart and more informed decisions, aided by the torrent of interactional and transactional data at their disposal.

How can IoT help?

IoT platforms can help organizations reduce cost through improved streamlining, timelining, process efficiency, asset utilization and productivity. With improved tracking of devices/objects using smart devices, sensors and connectivity, they can benefit from real-time insights and analytics, which would help them make smarter decisions. The growth and convergence of data, processes and things on the internet would make such connections more relevant and important, creating more opportunities for people, businesses and industries.


EmbLogic™ is an ISO 9001:2008(QMS) (Quality Management System) Certified Company.

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