Project.00 Linux System Administration
Project.01 Data Structures with C using Linux, vim, gcc, gdb, SCCT
Project.02 OOPs and Data Structures using C++ with Eclipse, QT on Linux
Project.03 Linux System Programming using Processes, IPC, Sync & Threads
Project.36 Linux System Programming, Data Management and MySQL
Project.04 Networking and Network Programming using Sockets, TCP/IP, IPv4, IPv6
Project.05 Character Device Driver Development
Project.06 Parallel Port Device Driver Development
Project.07 Serial Port Device Driver Development
Project.08 Block Device Driver Development
Project.09 Porting Embedded Linux on ARM Systems using Storage - sd/mmc
Project.10 Porting Linux on ARM, Configuring GUI and Calibrating TouchScreen
Project.11 Shell Scripting using Bash
Project.12 Linux Kernel Architecture and Internals
Project.14 Linux Network Administration
Interview Questions ...
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