Innovation... driven by intelligence and logic

Linux System Administration

Modules and Projects


C and Embedded Linux with ARM

Module 1: Linux System Administration


Linux System Administration is all about installation, administeration, configuration and upgrade of a Linux based system running Linux distribution families like Fedora, Debian and Ubuntu. Heavily focused on enterprise environments, this training provides trainees/Linux system administrators with all the tools and concepts needed to efficiently build and manage a production Linux infrastructure. We facilitate the trainees with state-of-the-art facilities and techniques used in the industry and apply them in the context of practical labs. This Program is aimed at preparing the Linux Based systems for developing any kind of applications, Linux based Embedded Device Drivers and Embedded Linux OS. During the setting up of this system, Fedora, Debian and Ubuntu installation should be done. Linux partitions scheme has to be understood and implemented.

Training Topics:

  • Introduction to Linux
  • Understand Linux Filesystem and Partitioning
  • Installing Linux Fedora
  • Installing Linux Ubuntu
  • Installing Linuc Debian
  • Upgrading Linux Kernel
  • Linux System Administration
    • ​Maintenance, Upgrade
    • User Administration
    • Monitor System Performance
    • Create, Mantain and Configure Filesystem
    • Software maintenance

Other Modules in C and Embedded Linux with ARM Training are as follows.

Sl No Module / Project Sessions Labs Hours

Linux System Administration.   click here for more...

5 5 30

Data Structures with C using Linux, vim, gcc, gdb, SCCT.   click here for more...

25 35 190

Shell Scripting using Bash.   click here for more...

10 5 52

Linux Network Administration.   click here for more...

5 5 30

Embedded Linux ARM, Configuring and Porting using Storage.   click here for more...

10 10 60

An Embedded Linux on ARM, Configuring GUI and Interfaces.   click here for more...

10 10 60
  Total 65 70 410


EmbLogicâ„¢ is an ISO 9001:2008(QMS) (Quality Management System) Certified Company.



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