Welcome to EmbLogic Research and Competency Development Labs
EmbLogicTM is a technology design house and professional training company, providing research, competency development and customized online training solutions.
We offer professional design services like hardware and software design, development, device drivers, embedded Linux Operating Systems, customizable product designs, embedded systems engineering that improve quality and accelerate time-to-market for a broad range of Embedded Linux Systems.
Through research, competency development and training, we work to ensure increased values and optimized throughput for our customers and trainees.
Our solutions/trainings ensure customers/trainees sustain their competitive edge and added value and volumes to their business and career enhancement respectively.
EmbLogic was established in 2010 with the vision: innovation and Competency Development with respect to technology.
EmbLogic™ is an ISO 9001:2008(QMS) (Quality Management System) Certified Company.
Phone: 8527567776.
email: info@emblogic.org, connect@emblogic.org