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Project.001.C Programming and Data Structures on Linux

Program Overview

This course is designed to provide a solid foundation in C programming and data structures, integrating practical applications with core programming concepts. Throughout the course, participants will engage with C programming in a Linux environment, apply shell scripting with Bash for automation, and implement data structures to solve complex problems. The curriculum is structured to build from basic programming concepts to more complex data structures and algorithms, culminating in a capstone project that synthesizes learning outcomes.

Target Audience

* Beginner to intermediate programmers looking to solidify their understanding of C programming and data structures.
* Computer science students and professionals seeking practical experience with C in a Linux environment.
* Individuals aiming to enhance their programming skills for academic, personal, or professional development.


* 50 sessions, each lasting 1 hour, delivered over 10 weeks.
* The course will conclude with a project using C, Linux, and Shell Scripting using Bash.

Learning Objective

Participants will...
* Master the fundamentals of C programming, including syntax, control structures, and memory management.
* Gain a deep understanding of data structures such as arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, and graphs.
* Develop proficiency in algorithmic thinking, focusing on sorting, searching, and complexity analysis.
* Apply practical skills in a Linux environment, utilizing command-line tools and Bash scripting.
* Implement a comprehensive project that demonstrates their ability to solve real-world problems using C and data structures.


* Basic understanding of programming concepts.
* Familiarity with any programming language (not necessarily C) is beneficial.
* Access to a Linux environment for hands-on exercises.
These Modules should be done simultaneously...

Course Curriculum

Introduction to C and Linux Environment
Overview of C programming language
Setting up the Linux development environment
Basic Linux commands for development
Writing and executing your first C program
C Programming Basics
Data types, variables, and operators
Input/Output functions
Control structures: if-else, switch-case
Functions and Recursion
Defining and calling functions
Scope and lifetime of variables
Introduction to recursion
Arrays and Strings
Working with arrays
Basics of strings and string functions
Multi-dimensional arrays
Pointers and Memory Management
Understanding pointers and their usage
Pointer arithmetic
Dynamic memory allocation
Structures, Unions, and Files
Defining and using structures
Understanding unions
Basic file I/O operations in C
Advanced Data Structures
Implementing linked lists
Stacks and queues
Introduction to trees and graphs
Linux Development Tools
Using GCC for compilation
Makefiles for project management
Debugging with GDB
Advanced Topics and Optimization
Memory management techniques
Optimization strategies in C
Final Project and Course Review
Final project: Develop a comprehensive C program incorporating learned concepts

Course Delivery

Online: Live interactive sessions conducted via video conferencing platforms.
In-person: Hands-on labs and debugging sessions in a classroom environment.
Hybrid: A blend of online theory classes and in-person or virtual lab sessions.

Training Methodology

Lectures: Detailed slides and lecture notes covering both foundational concepts and advanced topics.
Hands-On Labs: Practical exercises that reinforce theoretical knowledge through real-world applications.
Reading Assignments: A collection of resources, including kernel documentation, essential programming books, and influential articles.
Videos: Instructional videos to clarify complex topics and showcase coding techniques and solutions.


Upon completion of the course, participants will have:
* A strong foundation in C programming and the ability to write efficient, maintainable code.
* Comprehensive knowledge of data structures and their applications in solving complex problems.
* Proficiency in Linux command-line tools and Bash scripting for automation and task management.
A C based project that encapsulates their learning and demonstrates their skill in developing a real-world application using C, data structures, and shell scripting.

About C programming Language...

Training Resources. click here...

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