the operator for preprocessing is # (it is already processed)
the steps followed while processin are:-
1.preprocessor – in this .c is converted to—->.i file
In stdio.h there are 3 things
a)stdout b)stdin c)stduser
keyboard—————–>program——————>terminal stdin stdout ,stduser
The .h means=the declaration has to b done. these are called header files . they give defination at the execution time. The .c means=declaration +defination .The .c is a normal file
2.compilation= in this .i is converted to—->.s file the .i means=preprocessing file and .s is assembly file. in this steps are followed like symbol table is made, errors are checked , logical analysis is done ,assembly language is checked
3.assembler=in this .s is converted to—->.o file .the .o is the object file
4.linker=in this .o is converted to—->a.out file GCC has this linker file
5.loader= this is the last step which loads the program on the RAM. loader checks whether space is available on RAM or not