completed the task of opening a node, with the help of my own registered driver.
completed ftp, tftp, telnet, ssh, nfs, dhcp servers. working on cvs server.
whole project completed for 4 byte compression completed for bytes 1 to 8
done compression, having problems in decompression
created master array working on data compression
Q. Arrange 10 strings in ASCII Collating Sequence. What does this question mean…?
assignment 2 done , 1 doubt assignment 4 done , 2 doubts
#include char input[]=”SSSWILTECH1\1\11W\WALLMP1″; int main() { int i,c; for(i=2;(c=input[i])!=”;i++) { switch(c) { case ‘a’:putchar(‘i’);continue; case ’1′:break; case 1:while((c=input[++i])!=’\1′&&c!=”); case 9:putchar(‘S’); case’E’: case’L’:continue; default:putchar(c);continue; } putchar(‘ ‘); } return 0; } the output of this program is “SWITCH S” i know … Continue reading
sir, the ans. to your question of 3d array is *(*(*(P+6)+5)+3)
installed linux on windows 7 computer after restarting automatically GRUB opened How can i boot my windows and linux now…???