struct ABC { int a; float b; char c; }; int main(){ struct ABC *ptr=(struct ABC *)0; ptr++; printf(“Size of structure is: %d”,*ptr); return 0; } Can u please explain this?
Please explain how to prints 1 to 100 without using loop and without using recursion!!.
int main(){ int a[]={10,20,30,40}; int i=3,x; x=1*a[--i]+2*a[--i]+3*a[--i]; printf(“%d”,x); }
Sir, i have completed read, write operation in character driver, using semaphore,ioctl. Also implementing kernel timer.
sir, when i use lint command on terminal i get error “command not found”
sir, i have completed 3 bit and 5 bit and 4 bit data compression and decompression.
sir, i am working on 3bit compression and decompression.
#include<stdio.h> int main() { int i; i = 10; print(i); return 0; } void print(int a) { printf(“%d\n”,a); } output:warning: conflicting types for ‘print’ [enabled by default] note: previous implicit declaration of ‘print’ was here
In 3 question of second assignment, what does \1 and \W does? \W :it is unknown escape sequence but what does \1 do ?
sir i did five question of second assignment today.
sir, i completed my first assingment
when using strlwr and strupr, error come “undefined reference to strupr” i have used #include<string.h> but of no use what to do now?
when using strlwr and strupr, error come “undefined reference to strupr” i have used #include<string.h> but of no use what to do now?
char input[] = “SSSWILTECH1\1\11W\WALLMP1″; what will \1 and \W do here please explain!
float f=55; printf(“value of f is %d\n”,f); printf(“value of f is %f\n”,f); printf(“value of f is %c\n”,f); what will this print–> with explaination please