Installation to Fedora 29 Following are the minimum requirements for Fedora 29 workstation :- Recommended 2 GHz Dual Core processor. 2 GB RAM. 15 GB unallocated Hard Disk. Bootable Media (USB / DVD). Installation steps :- (Step1) :- Download the … Continue reading
For 32 bit systems #wget For 64-bit systems #wget After this all steps are common #tar -xvf LibreOffice_5.0.4_Linux_x86_rpm.tar.gz #cd LibreOffice_5.0.4.2_Linux_x86_rpm/ #yum localinstall RPMS/*.rpm You can use these steps in any other RPM based distribution but keeping in mind … Continue reading
If we talk about firewall the first thing that comes to our mind is a software “Barrier” between a system and a network it may be either internal or external. The purpose of this software is to protect our … Continue reading
When you are working on an already installed linux distribution, the grub package will be bydefault installed on the system. I will be showing you, the example’s of working with grub-legacy. Because any grub version number thats in the … Continue reading
Monolithic Kernel (Macro Kernel): Kernel Image = (Kernel Core+Kernel Services). When system boots up entire services are loaded and resides in memory. Example: Windows and Unix. Micro kernel : Kernel Image = Kernel Core. Services are build in to … Continue reading
Below is the method to give your machine a static Ip for the fedora.[Next post will contain the method to provide Static ip to Raspberry Pi running raspbian] 1. First stop and disable the gnome network manager from running on … Continue reading
The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol is used by computers for requesting Internet Protocol parameters, such as an IP address from a network server. The protocol operates based on the client-server model. DHCP is very common in all modern networks[1] ranging … Continue reading
When a C program is compiled, the compiler generates object code. After generating the object code, the compiler also invokes linker. One of the main tasks for linker is to make code of library functions (eg printf(), scanf(), sqrt(), ..etc) … Continue reading
you should take care of your Pd that it should be unmounted before you did the for mating. use the following commands on terminal mkfs.vfat /dev/sdb1 sdb1 is you node name(that can be check through ‘dmesg’ or ‘fdisk -l’) you … Continue reading
NFS, or Network File System, is a server-client protocol for sharing files between computers on a common network. NFS enables you to mount a file system on a remote computer as if it were local to your own system. You … Continue reading
FTP SERVER CONFIGURATION (Batch-20.02.36) Any Linux system can operate as an FTP server. It has to run only the server software—an FTP daemon with the appropriate configuration. Transfers are made between user accounts on client and server systems. A user … Continue reading
The Linux Kernel In 1991, a Finnish student named Linus Benedict Torvalds made the kernel of a now popular operating system. He released Linux version 0.01 on September 1991, and on February 1992, he licensed the kernel under the GPL … Continue reading
Linux Administration This article is about the operating system.The Unix operating system was conceived and implemented in 1969 at AT&T’s Bell Laboratories in the United States by Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, Douglas McIlroy, and Joe Ossanna. It was first released … Continue reading
Implemented SSH server completely… Able to send as well as receive data using scp… Now , thorough with the SSH server!!!!