Project Description: A minimum of three requesting clients will request to server and server using three processing clients will respond to requests.
Inter Process Communication would be done using FIFO.
Everyone from E-8 batch will share their status only on this thread.
In server , FIFO is opened in O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK mode and in client , same FIFO is opened in O_WRONLY | O_NONBLOCK mode.
Problem -> file is not opening in client and “open” returns -1 even when server is executed first.
able to implement one client one server data transfer…using fifo..with certain limitations
***have to run server client in blocking mode having dependencies on each other..i m still working on it,,
using 3 clients data is sent to server parllely
but implement data transfer from first processing client to first reqesting client ,too many dependencies and bloking mode.working on to resolve it.
implemented data transfer using fifos..
In it i made a server in which fifo is created auing access and mkfifo, then made a client and data processing client.
In single client server data is properly send and received but when three client i’m facing problem server is terminated before the data reecived by client 2,3.
try to resove this probem.
firstly implemented taking client 1..using fifo..*limmitations of interdependencies of processes while running them..and have to use blocking mode..havent found solution for nonblocking..too many open is more transfer than using pipes..even in one client case..!!!!!!!!!
Implement 3 request client and 3 Process client with 1 server using 2 fifo but I am not sure about that is it simultaneous…
case 1.
Executing 3 requests on different terminals then execute server, able to access data on server but not in sequence as i am executing clients…
case 2.
Executing 3 requests and 3 process on different terminals then execute server, able to access data on server and able to read data on process.
Is it simultaneous ? can anybody let me know ?
If I am using 6 fifo then request data processing and return result through Server is successful…
Now,I have implement using 2 fifo. one fifo between request clients and server and another one in Process clients and server.
Server is able to receive data from all clients in single buffer, now I am writing data in another fifo for processing. Process clients are receiving data but not in sequence as we want.
My issue is that how mention that client one data should receive by Process 1 client and so on…..
Implemented Project – FIFO
Case 1. If I use three FIFOs between requesting clients and server and three between server and processing clients , I am able to receive responses to requests back on requesting clients. -> No issues.
Case 2: If I use 1 FIFO between requesting clients and server and three FIFOs between server and processing clients, I am able to get processed data successfully on server but when I write this bundled data into “requesting client-server” FIFO, requesting clients read this data randomly and end up getting results of one another
issue -> need some mechanism that can tell that this data is intended to this particular requesting client and no other requesting client should access this.
case 3: When I use one FIFO between server and requesting clients and one between server and processing clients .
issue -> If I write these different requests into “server-processing clients” FIFO, again I need some mechanism that can tell that this data is intended to this particular processing client and no other processing client should access this.
i ve implemented my project using 2 fifos ,, 1 for reequesting client n server,, n other 4 processing client n server..
but the problems i m facing are:-
cant use O_WRONLY|O_NONBLOCK,, neither use NONBLOCK with case of WRONLY it gives -1 for open()..n RDONLY returns data is not read properly..
So i ve to do using O_RDONLY n goes in read on block with the server n at the same tym i ve 2 execute ol my clients..but the data read comes in a shuffled gets mixed..i tried to solve it using wait between every write() with clients..but nothing itz not being read correctly by the processing client..
NOW m trying using 6 fifos..n then will start with semaphore..
I have implemented IPC using fifos for one requesting client and one processing client.
In this i made a server in which fifo is created using access and mkfifo, then made a client and data processing client.
In single client server data is properly send and i m working for more than one client….
Implement the ipc project using 6 named pipes but facing some problem.
Problem is, after execution of all client and processing client simutaneously i got garbage result ,some time it give correct result for only 1client but some time it shows garbage. And some time my server goes in wait state.
How can i modify it or some thing is wrong in my implementation.
I make 2 scipt to execute all client and all processing client at a time.
fifo for n clients done. multiple client fifos and single server fifo.
I have done fifo project
I have Implemented Project – FIFO
I use three FIFOs between requesting clients and server and three between server and processing clients , I am able to receive responses to requests back on requesting clients.
there is a priority set that i can send request first from client1 at first,then from client2,& them from client3……but if i sending request from client2 first then it unable to read the data at server……….
Implemented fifo poject using 6 named pipes ,3 for client process and 3 for data process,but if i use 2 named pipes 1 for client and 1 for data i am unable to geting back result,now i am using more than 3 client and data processes .
I’m implement the client server project using 6 named pipes . 3 for client and 3 for process client. I’m got correct result to all client but using 2 named pipes there is facing some problem some time we got a garbage result.
complete the fifo project for 3 clients and 3 seprate process
Implement the fifo project but facing some problem ,i’m getting data in server from request client but data is not transfer into process client.
working on it.
implement fifo with single client & process… question.
why we call “semaphore” is semaphore as grammatically…….no other one word is used for this??
i have also doing work on fifo with 3client processes.