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E-8 Batch – Project under IPC using Pipes

Project Description: Task is to create a small client-server application by implementing concepts of Inter Process communication through Pipes.

A minimum of three clients would communicate with server and would pass their individual requests in form of arguments to server using Pipes. Now Server would invoke three more clients that will perform operations on requests and return results back to server (again using Pipes) which in turn will be returned to the corresponding requester. For this, server will maintain a database of the invoked processes and the requests coming from the clients and would take decisions based on that.

All of the team members will share their individual status under this thread so that it can be easily accessible by all.



42 Responses to E-8 Batch – Project under IPC using Pipes

  1. shiv.kumar says:

    today read the documents…of pipe,
    imoplemented data transfer mechanism using pipe by..execing into the fork….

  2. sanjeev sharma says:

    implemented assignment given by sir..on exec and read documents of pipe

  3. ashu says:

    read documemnts of pipe and implemented small examples….implemented assignment on execing in fork…transferred dat bw two processes

  4. sanjeev.sharma says:

    implemented data transfer using pipe between two processes…created by exec..

  5. akash gupta says:

    passing a file descriptor using fork and exec done,read documents of pipe.working on project.

  6. ankit.mishra says:

    I have implement IPC using pipe.I did hands on exercise on half duplex communication.I did the program for block on read and block on write.I did the assignment also where file descriptor is passed through EXEC system call.
    Now i am working on multiple clients and server project

  7. sumit ahuja says:

    i have forkd n execd my server..suzzessfully read the request of my client..written the request to the pipe connecting processing client through my server..

    but i m not able to make my server read the processed output of the request..

    i.e.., if i ve given the addition request it is being sent to process client through server but m unable to write the sum back to server..

  8. nishank says:

    I have implement IPC using pipe.I did hands on exercise on half duplex communication.I did the program for block on read and block on write.I did the assignment also where file descriptor is passed through EXEC system call.
    Now i am working on multiple clients and server project

  9. yashvardhan says:

    I have implemented a single requesting and a single processing client. Both clients are able to communicate with server and pass data to and fro using pipes.

  10. Suresh kumar says:

    I have made a client and server also made the data processor file in which data is added, i’m pass the data and the operator which is used to solve the data. And compare the operator with other operator which goes to which data processor file. Data is read in the server after addition two numbers. And data is also read in the in the client.

  11. shiv.kumar says:

    I haev made client server project…firstly considering client no .1 only…have transferred data to client..that is the result…perfection of code is yet to be proved by..further testing

  12. sanjeev sharma says:

    i have transferred data from client to server..
    passed descriptor..and client is successfully recieving the data…

  13. Ashu says:

    I have transferred data from client to server and again server to process,and in result from process a value which i passed to client using file discripter
    all this process i have done for 1 client and 1 process

  14. Suresh says:

    I had transferred the data from client to server and again server to process using pipe,file discriptor and read write operation
    and the read the result at client succesfuly by the same process.

  15. First I thought that, we will execute the request and according to that server will process it using pipe and return the result and I complete it successfully…
    But after discussion I found that we have to execute server and server will fetch request from request client ,process it and then return the result……So, I am changing my code according to this concept….

  16. avtar says:

    firstly did fork process and uses exec to transfer the data b/w two processes.
    read the documents of pipes.
    started the IPC client and server project.
    initially taken a single client and server.
    and successfully passed the data to process client and now trying to return the processed data to the client

  17. Suresh kumar says:

    I’ve implemented client server communication among 3 clients and 3 processing clients , i’m able to transfer data between all these with two pipes in all communication .one for the server and clients and one for the server and process clients.
    I’m performing data transfer sequentially one by one (At a time only one operation will be performed either addition,subtraction or multiplication) with case statements.
    Was it is our motto?????
    Is any different approch//////////////////

  18. Suresh kumar says:

    I’m facing problem in implemention of project with 3 clients request seprately.

  19. shiv.kumar says:

    Do we have to transfer data from server on first come first serve and facing problem in mapping of data by server to the processing clients.Working to sort it out.

  20. ashu says:

    I’m facing problem to transfer data with three clients and and using two pipes .And tried for sequential serving three clients and working on it to sort it out.

  21. sanjeev.sharma says:

    got stuck at transfering data and mapping in the processing clients using two pipe.trying to resolve it…

  22. Suresh kumar says:

    Data is not send to client with three pipes properly.
    I’ve a problem in project how can i decide priority to the result.

  23. ankit.mishra says:

    I have implemented client,server and processor module for one process.I am facing issue that is these three process are concurrent or any priority among them???If anybody clear about that please give me concept???

  24. I implemented 3 request client and 3 process client with server successfully but without using data base (2D array) in server for notifying processing client path…
    I am working on it.

  25. Suiresh kumar says:

    Read the documents of dup , dup2, close(),fifo files, made client server chat in shell and through program using fifos, implement the dup and make named file using fifo.

  26. i have implemented for one client ,one server and one process .i am facing problem between server and process it give segmentation fault.

  27. nishank aggarwal says:

    I have successfully imlpemented three requesting client, three process client by using 6 pipes now simultaneously they read & write the data………..to the server……..

  28. nishank aggarwal says:

    i m working on fifo project…………
    read the document of fifo………

  29. avtar says:

    implemented 3 requesting client and 3 processing client successfully by using 6 pipes…is it possible to just put 2 pipes in this?? and how ??

    even doing this i m not able to understood that how the data to be put simultaneously ..as in any case we just make a code as we need to get ..like
    1) client1,client2,client3,process1,process2,process3.

    how it could be simultaneous??

  30. Suresh kumar says:

    I’m facing problem in sending result of dataprocessing client to clients . My server is not able to resolve the data. Without sleep my dataprocessing client give garbage output.
    start the client-server project using fifo creat the single client, and server.Make named pipe usinf mkfifo, in server and till now have not sent the data to server through client.
    I’m working on it.

  31. ashu says:

    Implemented the client server project and got stuck when the client are simultaneously writing data, server is nit abke to resolve the data.
    Read the document of fifo, start fifo project.

  32. sumit ahuja says:

    I’ve read the documents of fifo working on its project. In the client server project using pipes server was not able to read data from the processing clients. So server is not able to map the data corectly.

  33. sanjeev sharma says:

    In the client server project using pipes server was not able to read data from the processing clients. So server is not able to map the data corectly.
    Read the document of fifo.

  34. shiv.kumar says:

    Implemented the client server project using pipes and facing the universal problem of resolution of data by server to client when they are simultaneously writting …
    I’m working on the project using fifo after reading documents.

  35. shatrughan says:

    In the client server project using pipes server was not able to read data from the processing clients .

  36. nidhi says:

    i am facing problem to transfer data with three clients and and using two pipes .

  37. i have implementing client server project and facing a problem how to determine a which client data to be read by a server.

  38. sumit ahuja says:

    i have implemented the client server application project using 6 pipes for 3 req clients,3 process clients n 1 server..

    if i use a separate pipe for every requesting client n server n 1 pipe each 4 a processclient n server..then m able to do my task for requests being sent to server simultaneously..n i retrieve the result back to my client again through server only if after the request is being read by the processing client,,then writing it again back to server i ve to use a wait or sleep 4 reading every processed output..


    if i do the whole thing using only 2 pipes,,then i ve to do sequentially..i.e.,
    istly client-> server->processing client,,then back to server n to client finally,, n same goes 4 the client2 n 3..if i do requesting simultaneously then server reads the requests in a random n shuffled manner..

  39. pipe project for n clients done

  40. shatrughan says:

    i have done pipes project for 3 clients,1 sever and 1 process.

  41. nidhi says:

    i have done pipes project for 3 clients.

  42. maninderjeet singh says:

    i have implemented with 3,2……clients and processs but ….with some doubts..
    1.without using sleep +++++
    2.and using sleep….
    3.the last process means 3 implicity providing a garbage value with result …..and the results are not in a searial ……

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