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E11: File I/O Project

Dear E11 students, kindly update your status of the File I/O project given by Pravjot Sir. Any queries regarding the same should be posted here in this thread only.

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32 Responses to E11: File I/O Project

  1. rajnish raman says:

    I have done open read write of file. but how to compare character of string?

  2. You can simply compare two strings using strcmp(string1, string2) declared under string.h
    Another method is to compare a string character by character using arrays.

  3. Sushant says:

    yesterday i run the file open,read & write now i am trying the master array

  4. amit yadav says:

    i have also done open read write of file….n try to make masterarry….

  5. rahul kumar mishra says:

    i have complete my open read write

  6. go on guyss.. am working on masterarray too.

  7. rajnish says:

    I have understad the master array and I m working over that.In master array the comparision is done through array or file which we have written?

    • you need to store only those characters into the masterarray which are not present in it. Compare the data which you have written inside that “source_file”, character by character with the contents of masterarray using arrays.

  8. rajnish says:

    I hav problem in imlementing comparision in array through charectare by charectare .

    • what’s the problem you are facing exactly??

      • rajnish says:

        for comparison how we compare should we use strcmp?

        • make a masterarray.. assign some width to it, likely to be of the number of bytes you have stored in your source_file.
          In the string say ‘rbuff’ that you have inputted, start comparing from its 0th element with each and every character of ‘masterarray’. If anywhere that character of ‘rbuff’ matches with that of masterarray then break the loop and compare the next element of ‘rbuff’ again with every character of masterarray.

  9. sushant says:

    today i am reading the doc of string because that doc help of string comparion with separate character

  10. i have done open read and write in file..

  11. I have implemented master array to a certain extent but there is a very strange problem I am facing.

    I have inputted a string “My name is Rajpreet. I am a student of emblogic.” into my source_file.

    Instead of storing characters from ‘M’ of My, characters are stored from ‘i’ of is. However masterarray is working fine from “is”.

    I have provided 0 as the initial condition to every loop. what to do?? :-/

  12. atul.dixit says:

    i have done open read and write in file but cud not yet sort out how to compare the strings, although i m workin on it

  13. Implemented masterarray ;)

  14. Done with masterarray as well as Codelength. :D

  15. monika.yadav says:

    i have done open read write of file….n now trying to implement master array….

  16. ashish kumar singh says:

    how to compare the strings?

  17. abhijeet panwar says:

    i have done read write file…..

  18. abhijeet panwar says:

    i have also done master array….

  19. Sushant bhangale says:

    i have done the master array finally…..

  20. vishal.bhagat says:

    Master array created successfully..

  21. lalit mahajan says:

    master array created …

  22. rajnish says:

    master array implemented

  23. monika.yadav says:

    done with master array… :)

  24. divakant says:

    i have done open read\write a file and master array..

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