//Here i am making my own header file in which i declare all the header file which is used in this program and also declare the prototype of th function which i used in it.//
//BY using the include i am including my own header.h file in it I use "" over here to give its my own path instead if i give<> then it search on the specified 9 path which you will know if you want by giving the command on terminal echo$path//
//I made an another program.c file whose name is fun.c in which i define all the function which i used in my main program and call it throught my main program //
//same thing by using the include I include my whole file in it//
#include "fun.c"
int main()//from here my main fuction is starts//
//IN int declaration I declare the fd as the file descriptor of the file with which i can read or write it is the main file of which we can create a compressed file//
//fd1 is the file descriptor of the compressed file which is ompressed by using the compression technique.
///fd2 is the file descriptor of the encryption file in which our encrypted code is saved/
//cl is used to store the code length it tells upto what code length the file can be compressed.
//ndc is the total non descrimination character in the file which are used again and again in the file.//
//the count declared for the write and read function as it give the total character written in the file or we can say file chahracter length//
int fd=0,count=0,fd1=0,fd2=0,ndc=0,cl=0,fd3=0;
//In the char * ma the master array is stored which is further saved in encryption file we can also say it the encryption code of the file.//
char *ma;
//here i am calling the functipn openfile whose return value is an integer which i am storing in the fd as through openfile function it return me the fd of the file file which i opened here which is an integer hare i am catching that value in my fd as it is the main file which i have to compress most probably if i am opening first time a file the my fd is 3or any another greater than 3 because fd 0,1,2 are reserved for stdout, stdin and stderror//
printf("the fd=%d\n",fd);//used to print the fd of the file is to be compressed//
count=writefile(fd);//calling the write file function from the fun.c file inn which i described//
printf("the character written in the file is count=%d\n",count);//the total no. of char wriiten in file//
//After opening the file we made a stream in that in which we can read and write by using O_RDWR flag we already wrote in the file but as for the compression fist we made a master array in which we store all the non-descriptive no. which is not repeadted even no.//
printf("the value of the ndc=%d\n",ndc);//the total length of the master array//
printf("master array is \n %s\n",ma);
//now we have to calculate the codelength to find the compression type by calling codelength we can find that//
printf(" the code length is cl=%d",cl);
//the compression() calling is over here by which we are making an compress file and returning the filedescriptor of it//
printf(" the compressed file is made with the name compressed and the fdof that file is =%d\n",fd1);
//the encrypt ()is called over here which give us a code which we have to use for decompress the file without it we can't even decompress the file//
printf(" the fd of the encrypt file is %d\n its string length is %d\n",fd2,ndc);
return 0;
//#ifdef _HEADER.h
int openfile();
int writefile(int);
char* create_masterarray(int,int*);
int unique(char,char*,int);
int codelength(int);
int compression(int ,char *,int ,int);
int compress2(char *,int ,int);
int compress3(char *,int ,int);
int compress4(char *,int ,int);
int compress5(char *,int ,int);
int compress6(char *,int ,int);
int compress7(char *,int ,int);
int findloc(char,char*,int);
int encrypt(char* ,int);
int decompress (int,int);
int decompress(int fde,int fdc)
int fd3;
int count ,size;
char ch ;
int encrypt(char *ma , int ndc)
int fd,count;
fd=open("encrypt file",O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_RDWR);
printf("the characters written in the encryption_file is %d\n",count);
return fd;
int findloc(char ch ,char* ma ,int ndc)
int i;
return i;
return -1;
int compress4(char *ma,int fd,int ndc)
int fd1,loc;
char byt;
char byt1;
char byte,ch;
int count,countwrite;
while (count)
count=read(fd ,&ch,1);
count=read(fd ,&ch,1);
return fd1;
int compression(int fd ,char *ma,int ndc,int cl)
int fd1;
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
case 7:
default :
printf("the file is not going to be compressed");
return fd1;
int codelength(int ndc)
int i,cl=1;
return i;
int unique(char ch,char *ma,int ndc)
int i;
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