mdcaeuit status log file- done with 2,3,4,5,6-bit compression, decompression
RCS file: compression.c,v Working file: compression.c head: 1.7 branch: locks: strict pranshu: 1.7 access list: symbolic names: keyword substitution: kv total revisions: 7; selected revisions: 7 description: this functions opens the required file and compress the file. right now, called open file for read mode and accepted the file descriptor. ---------------------------- revision 1.7 locked by: pranshu; date: 2017/12/19 10:14:22; author: pranshu; state: Exp; lines: +9 -10 calling funtion by funtion pointer. ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2017/12/18 10:26:45; author: pranshu; state: Exp; lines: +7 -6 found the code length and calling the type of compression. ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2017/12/16 10:49:56; author: pranshu; state: Exp; lines: +27 -0 collected code length and called compression functions ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2017/12/16 10:29:37; author: pranshu; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 collected masterarray from createMA ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2017/12/15 07:46:45; author: pranshu; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 called create masterarray and closed the file descriptor. ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2017/12/15 04:52:29; author: pranshu; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 called createMA function and passed the file descriptor. ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2017/12/14 21:03:07; author: pranshu; state: Exp; Initial revision =============================================================================
RCS file: decompression.c,v Working file: decompression.c head: 1.4 branch: locks: strict pranshu: 1.4 access list: symbolic names: keyword substitution: kv total revisions: 4; selected revisions: 4 description: this functions decompresses the given file. right now, opened the file in write mode. ---------------------------- revision 1.4 locked by: pranshu; date: 2017/12/22 19:32:06; author: pranshu; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 added all the decompression functions for different codelengths. function will open the file to decompress and calculate the codelength in which it has to be decompressed, ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2017/12/21 11:53:33; author: pranshu; state: Exp; lines: +39 -0 *** empty log message *** ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2017/12/18 10:28:03; author: pranshu; state: Exp; lines: +0 -3 nothing to do. ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2017/12/14 21:04:10; author: pranshu; state: Exp; Initial revision
RCS file: compress2.c,v Working file: compress2.c head: 1.6 branch: locks: strict pranshu: 1.6 access list: symbolic names: keyword substitution: kv total revisions: 6; selected revisions: 6 description: this is 2 bit compression. ---------------------------- revision 1.6 locked by: pranshu; date: 2017/12/23 09:32:09; author: pranshu; state: Exp; lines: +37 -4 debugging 2bit compression. ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2017/12/19 10:14:45; author: pranshu; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 funtion pointer. ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2017/12/19 09:49:33; author: pranshu; state: Exp; lines: +40 -5 doing two bit compression. ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2017/12/19 06:00:26; author: pranshu; state: Exp; lines: +1 -2 *** empty log message *** ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2017/12/18 10:28:22; author: pranshu; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 made a 2 bit compression file which performs 2 bit compression. right now, it does nothing. ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2017/12/16 19:24:50; author: pranshu; state: Exp; Initial revision =============================================================================
RCS file: compress3.c,v Working file: compress3.c head: 1.4 branch: locks: strict pranshu: 1.4 access list: symbolic names: keyword substitution: kv total revisions: 4; selected revisions: 4 description: 3 bit compression ---------------------------- revision 1.4 locked by: pranshu; date: 2017/12/23 07:26:43; author: pranshu; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 3 bit compression debugging done success. ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2017/12/22 19:33:23; author: pranshu; state: Exp; lines: +79 -10 3 bit compression is called and compressing the file in with 3bit code. ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2017/12/20 11:02:05; author: pranshu; state: Exp; lines: +81 -3 made 3 bit compressions ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2017/12/16 19:25:05; author: pranshu; state: Exp; Initial revision =============================================================================