Description : This project best explains the working of data handling
in queue structure.Since we know that queue is a data structure which
follows the FIFO algorithm.Here we have used a struct which has the
following data member:
typedef struct
int * queue; //pointer which points the array of length equals to size
int fi; //front index
int ri; //rear index
int size; //define the length of queue
so as we know that queue follows FIFO scheme,thus the algorithm to perform enqueue is given as:
(Condition for enQueue)
if ri(rear index) is >= (size - 1) then Queue is full
else ri++;
and store value at index ri as *(queue + ri) = val;
Now the algorithm for deQueue is as follows:
(Condition for deQueue)
if (fi(front index) == ri(rear index))
then {
queue is empty;
fi = ri = -1;
return 0;
and read value from queue at index fi;
check once again if (fi == ri) then fi = ri = -1;
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