004 Linux Network ProgrammingIssues, queries and suggestions related to Linux, Network, Linux Programming, Network Programming, System Programming, Sockets, Threads,
FTP based Client Server project using sockets and threads.
sir i was trying to send a structure from client to server i was ubable to do that . the structure is being sent correctly but some data in the structure some field in the structure some garbage value .
i read it online its say that data is being sent as a stream of bytes from client to server ..
Topic :- How network connection established between two machines .
1:- As we know that if two machine want to communicate with each other then they have to connect with a proper dedicated network conncetion.
2:- Network has many nodes that are connected with each other in the world ,every nodes contains a LAN through which different machines are connected.
3:- On every system many process are executing at same time , if a proces want to comunicate with another proces on different machine but they don't know each other location in the system.
4:- But as a user we knew the process ,so we provide them a mechanism to comunicate with each other, that machanism is known as schoket .
5:- unlike pipe is also has two end at one end it has RDWR file descriptor that connect with processes and another end has a newtwork connection .
6:- every machine have hardware ports that are supported by a network device deriver.
7:- Every operating system has large no of data tunnel called logical ports , schoket connect with one of the logical port and connection goes through network protocol stack bottom to top and then goes further to hardware port through port device deriver , device driver and ntwk protocol works together .
8:- Each operating system definitely runs four protocols parallelly used for any kind of network connection.
1- Application protocol layer
2-Network protocol layer
3-Routing protocol layer
4-Hardware protocol layer
9:-routing protocol layer at both machines run and goes through hardware port connect some netwrok nodes at shortest path and machine connect with each other , routing protocol runs on both machines till the comunication over.