002 OOPs using C++ with Eclipse on LinuxDiscussion Forum for Programming with C++. We introduce to programming in general, including object-oriented programming and generic programming. It is also a solid introduction to the C++ programming language, one of the most widely used languages for real-world software. This Training presents modern C++ programming techniques from the start, introducing the C++ standard library to simplify programming tasks.
If we have the overloading function of assignment operator present already , then
copy constructor is invoked when a new object is created from, an already existing object as a copy of it , as happened in Distance d2=d1 in below eg.
assignment operator is called when already assigned object is initialized with a new value from already existing object as happened in d3=d1 in below eg.
After a variable has been defined, you can give it a value using the = operator. This process is called assignment, and the = operator is called the assignment operator. Eg int a; a=10;