004 Linux Network ProgrammingIssues, queries and suggestions related to Linux, Network, Linux Programming, Network Programming, System Programming, Sockets, Threads,
FTP based Client Server project using sockets and threads. » 004.03.Introduction-to-Sockets
Termux is a powerful Android terminal emulator that provides a Linux-like environment. It allows users to run commands, install packages, and even compile & execute programs, making it a great tool for mobile coding.
Installing Termux on Android
Search for Termux in google play store and install it.
Once installed, open the Termux app and update the package list to ensure you have the latest repository
pkg update && pkg upgrade -y
Installing Clang for C Programming:
Open termux app and type the following command
pkg install clang
Compiling & Running the C Program(Consider you have a hello.c file ready)